How an AI Chatbot can reduce your hiring cost by 40%

Naveen Meena
3 min readMay 7, 2020
How an AI Chatbot can reduce your hiring cost by 40%

Recently facebook announced that it has developed chatbot which was trained with 1.5 billion reddit post and it is much better than google chatbot MEENA. So why, these tech giants are betting so much on chatbots, what do they do and how they can benefit us? How an AI Chatbot can reduce your hiring cost? How it can replace your human staff?

What is a chatbot and how does it work?

A chatbot is a software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech, in lieu of providing direct contact with a live human agent. It can be integrated into websites, messengers, social sites to engage visitors and leads. Some AI powered bots are powerful enough to grab deals on spot without any human interference. There are mainly two types of chatbot available, first one is automated response chatbot. This chatbot doesn’t care much about user input, in-fact user has to select some sort of option and bot responds accordingly. It has very fixed responses and instructions. It’s very classy type bot but still very powerful, even that companies are developing AI-bots are using to interact with leads/clients. The second one is AI-bots or NLP bots, these bots are trained with natural language pattern or simply human language pattern. They focuses on user input and act using previous trained data and pattern. They are very much similar to Siri, Alexa etc but more productive and useful than them.

How do bots help us as a business tool?

Chatbots uses fixed or variable chat methods to engage your visitors, you can use them on your website to keep your business live 24/7, at one time single chatbot can manage infinite conversation which is not possible for human chat agent. you can automate your workflows using chatbots such as sending greetings to your candidates, job descriptions, scheduling interviews and reverting feedbacks if you are a recruiter.

Many startups including us are on a verge to make hiring process easy, our Dost, comes with built-in data and analytics to make your hiring much easier and accessible. Our Chatbot can replace your hiring executive/Recruiter by automating major workflows. It reduces your hiring cost upto 40%. A chat agent team or hiring executive team cost you around 1M INR but mostly AI bots will not cost more than 200k INR per year according to use. So that’s How an AI Chatbot can reduce your hiring cost by more than 40%. And it’s not only about costs, it’s about upgrading your workplace and labour standards. In the machine era, machine replaced human workers from factories and mills, Because it improved labour efficiency and maximum productivity and profits, the same situation is happening here. AI is replacing humans and don’t see it as bad intent. Adapt Dost from Ultrabot and make your hiring automated from today.

